What Are These Holes in my Tree?

What Are These Holes in my Tree?

If you have a smooth-barked tree in your yard, like a birch, maple, apple, or Coast Live oak, you may have noticed tiny little holes along the trunk. If you are like many of our clients, you may have thought they were caused by boring insects. But if the holes are in...
Mushrooms Growing on Landscape Trees

Mushrooms Growing on Landscape Trees

In between rainstorms, you may be out for a walk and notice mushrooms popping up from the ground. Mushrooms are a common sight in fertile garden soil, on outdoor woodpiles, in green lawns, and fallen trees. This may contribute to the misplaced sense of normalcy when...
The Best Time to Prune Fruit Trees

The Best Time to Prune Fruit Trees

Whether you have had fruit trees for years, inherited a fruit tree on the property you just purchased, or are toying with the idea of planting one, owning a fruit tree can be fun. It is satisfying to be able to harvest food from your own yard and be part of the “eat...
Dieback vs. Deadwood

Dieback vs. Deadwood

Trees are in the business of producing healthy branches with lots of green foliage. So when a branch dies it’s a cause for concern and as arborists, we want to know why. So here is an explanation on how to read the deadwood in your tree and better understand...
Why is My Oak Dripping Sap?

Why is My Oak Dripping Sap?

If you own a Coast Live oak you may notice droplets of a light-colored, sticky substance that covers everything under the tree, whether it be cars, decks, patios, walkways, or outdoor furniture. Your first thought may be: “Is this sap? And if so, why is my oak tree...