by traverso | Mar 14, 2024 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
Redwood trees, the giants of the forest, are the world’s tallest trees! They’re stunning and awe-inspiring as you journey up the coast. However, having one near your home, even if it’s not towering at 300 feet, can be quite daunting when winter winds hit...
by traverso | Feb 21, 2024 | News, Tree Concerns, Uncategorized
Do you have an evergreen native oak tree gracing your property or neighborhood? Lately, you might have noticed something odd – brown leaves amidst an otherwise healthy canopy, especially in the lower portion of the tree. If this caught your eye, take a closer look at...
by traverso | Aug 31, 2023 | News, Tree Concerns, Uncategorized
Trees are in the news again for 2023! This past April we talked about how trees were in the news on a daily basis as the atmospheric river of storms battered California and caused many trees, weakened by the drought to fail. News stories about failing trees finally...
by traverso | Jun 28, 2023 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
You may have noticed what appears to be “apples” clustered on the branches of your oak tree and wondered if it was some sort of fruit. Even though it looks very much like an apple and feels like one if you are able to reach one, please, DO NOT eat it! So if they are...
by traverso | Apr 6, 2023 | Tree Concerns, Uncategorized
Atmospheric rivers, saturated soil, high winds with gusts over 50 mph, flooding… These are terms we have heard almost daily from our local news. Added to this list is the ominous warning of tree failures. We are well versed in what causes trees to fail, but what...
by traverso | Jan 3, 2023 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
During the recent rains, as I was walking through my backyard, I noticed white foam at the base of our pine tree and wondered why it was there. Was it an indication of something harmful, or was my tree in a party mood and blowing bubbles to celebrate? The reason...