by traverso | Jan 3, 2023 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
During the recent rains, as I was walking through my backyard, I noticed white foam at the base of our pine tree and wondered why it was there. Was it an indication of something harmful, or was my tree in a party mood and blowing bubbles to celebrate? The reason...
by Alyce Traverso | Oct 24, 2022 | Tree Concerns, Uncategorized
A friend recently approached me and exclaimed, “My driveway is covered in acorns! Way more than in years past. Does this mean we will have a wet winter?” I wish I could have told her that yes an abundance of acorns in October means a lot of rain in January, but...
by Alyce Traverso | Sep 6, 2022 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
You are walking under your trees and notice something is not quite right. There is a small clump of green, healthy-looking leaves in the middle of a pathway. Or several clumps scattered under your tree. It could be from a deciduous tree like a Japanese maple or Valley...
by traverso | Jul 26, 2022 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
Have you ever noticed the leaves on your tree appear shiny as though someone sprayed them with shellac? Or maybe the hood of your car is covered with fine droplets like it was misted with a sticky material? Maybe there is a trail of ants marching up the trunk of...
by traverso | Sep 3, 2020 | Tree Concerns, Tree Maintenance, Uncategorized
It’s late summer and you notice that your large, beautiful redwood trees that you planted as a critical screen to hide your neighbor’s new second-story addition, appear to be turning brown. Oh, no! Browning foliage cannot be good, and you start to imagine the worst,...