Traverso Tree Service, Inc
Windsail Pruning on Mature Redwoods -Does it Help?

Windsail Pruning on Mature Redwoods -Does it Help?

Redwood trees, the giants of the forest, are the world’s tallest trees! They're stunning and awe-inspiring as you journey up the coast. However, having one near your home, even if it's not towering at 300 feet, can be quite daunting when winter winds hit 40-50 mph....

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Why is my coast live oak browning?

Why is my coast live oak browning?

Do you have an evergreen native oak tree gracing your property or neighborhood? Lately, you might have noticed something odd – brown leaves amidst an otherwise healthy canopy, especially in the lower portion of the tree. If this caught your eye, take a closer look at...

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Summer Limb Drop

Summer Limb Drop

Trees are in the news again for 2023! This past April we talked about how trees were in the news on a daily basis as the atmospheric river of storms battered California and caused many trees, weakened by the drought to fail. News stories about failing trees finally...

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Why Are There Apples in My Oak Tree?

Why Are There Apples in My Oak Tree?

You may have noticed what appears to be “apples” clustered on the branches of your oak tree and wondered if it was some sort of fruit. Even though it looks very much like an apple and feels like one if you are able to reach one, please, DO NOT eat it!  So if they are...

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Pollen, Allergies, and Botanical Sexism

Pollen, Allergies, and Botanical Sexism

This is the time of year when pollen counts make the news, and cars, sidewalks, and patios are covered in a layer of yellow dust. It is a sure sign of spring but for those who suffer from allergies, it can be a sign of the end of being able to breathe comfortably...

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How Does My Tree Stay Upright During Nasty Weather?

How Does My Tree Stay Upright During Nasty Weather?

Atmospheric rivers, saturated soil, high winds with gusts over 50 mph, flooding... These are terms we have heard almost daily from our local news. Added to this list is the ominous warning of tree failures. We are well versed in what causes trees to fail, but what I...

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Why is my Tree Foaming?

Why is my Tree Foaming?

During the recent rains, as I was walking through my backyard, I noticed white foam at the base of our pine tree and wondered why it was there. Was it an indication of something harmful, or was my tree in a party mood and blowing bubbles to celebrate?  The reason...

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My Oak Tree is Dropping Copious Amounts of Acorns!

My Oak Tree is Dropping Copious Amounts of Acorns!

A friend recently approached me and exclaimed, “My driveway is covered in acorns! Way more than in years past. Does this mean we will have a wet winter?”  I wish I could have told her that yes an abundance of  acorns in October means a lot of rain in January, but...

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Why Is My Tree Dropping Green Leaves?

Why Is My Tree Dropping Green Leaves?

You are walking under your trees and notice something is not quite right. There is a small clump of green, healthy-looking leaves in the middle of a pathway. Or several clumps scattered under your tree. It could be from a deciduous tree like a Japanese maple or Valley...

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My Tree Is Making a Sticky Mess

My Tree Is Making a Sticky Mess

  Have you ever noticed the leaves on your tree appear shiny as though someone sprayed them with shellac? Or maybe the hood of your car is covered with fine droplets like it was misted with a sticky material? Maybe there is a trail of ants marching up the trunk of...

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Is My Tree Big Enough for a Rope Swing?

Is My Tree Big Enough for a Rope Swing?

Nothing exemplifies the carefree nature of childhood than a swing. And a swing from a tree adds an extra layer of magic!    Yes! I’m ready to install a tree swing in my yard but don’t I need a big tree? The common wisdom for a tree swing is to select a healthy,...

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Positive News about the Drought

Positive News about the Drought

The lack of rain this winter has become very alarming and the possibility of a third consecutive year of extreme drought is getting closer to being a reality. However, there is, believe it or not, a silver lining to the absence of spring rains.      Really?  I’m...

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    For trimming, removal, stump grinding, or our more specialized tree related services